The embodiment of perfection, the embodiment of everything he always wanted - that's exactly how Luca sees his new girlfriend Sarah. But is it even real? Sarah is a mannequin in Luca's shop - who comes to life one evening. At least that's what Luca thinks. And while he believes that she will fulfill his most secret wishes and desires, he increasingly loses control - "Sarah" develops a dangerous life of its own...
Thriller (Germany 2020). Director: Günther Brandl. With Günther Brandl, Tari Ritter, Melody Bayer, Yvette Costeau, Oliver Troska, Ingrid Heinzelmeier, Monika Brandl.
Blu-Ray (not pressed!)
RC 0 - uncut (86 min.)
Language: German
Condition: new, but not shrink-wrapped